National Security Language Initiative

Alina Israeli aisrael at AMERICAN.EDU
Thu Jan 12 15:28:08 UTC 2006

1. > If one can serve in the army without being a citizen and by doing so
get on the fast track for citizenship, I fail to see why the government
won't reward service in other agencies likewise.

Maybe because one puts one's life on the line.

2. >Wise decision, as the US slides deeper and deeper into totalita .
Must we
>destroy our freedoms to preserve them?

I believe presidential elections in the US are still scheduled for 2008 and
no one has been asking George W. Bush if he is planning to stay on for the
third term.

 Alina Israeli
 LFS, American University
 4400 Mass. Ave., NW
 Washington, DC 20016

 phone:    (202) 885-2387
 fax:      (202) 885-1076 

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