one-year position

Mark Conliffe mconliff at WILLAMETTE.EDU
Sat Jan 14 20:57:44 UTC 2006

Willamette University
German and Russian, 900 State St., Salem OR  97301
Visiting Instructor of Russian

Willamette University, a selective liberal arts college, invites 
applications for a one-year position in Russian to begin Fall 2006.  
Teaching load is three courses per semester.  The position requires native 
or near-native fluency in Russian and English and at least an MA (PhD 
preferred).  Applicants should have experience in teaching Russian language 
classes at all levels, as well as the ability to teach courses in Russian 
literature and culture in Russian and in English translation.  Send letter 
of application and CV and arrange to have 3 letters of reference sent to 
Mark Conliffe, Chair, German & Russian, Willamette University, 900 State 
Street, Salem, OR  97301.  Review of applications will begin February 20, 
2006.  Willamette maintains a strong institutional commitment to diversity 
and strives to recruit and hire candidates from communities of color and 
ethnic groups.

Mark Conliffe
Department of German and Russian
Program in International Studies
Willamette University
900 State Street
Salem OR  97301
Tel:  503-375-5371

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