AATSEEL goes to N.Orleans or San.Fran. or where?

Prof Steven P Hill s-hill4 at UIUC.EDU
Sun Jan 15 07:02:30 UTC 2006

Dear colleagues:

The message attached below may be interpreted 2 ways.  But the real question is:  does anyone yet know WHERE the big national conference of 
AATSEEL will meet 12 / 27 - 30 / 2006?  

Has New Orleans (earlier announced as the conference site for the Dec. '06 conference) been REPLACED by some other city, such as San Francisco?

Or is New Orleans still "set" as the conference site?  (Simultaneously with the gargantuan MLA conference, normally scheduled in the same city at 
the same time.)

P.S.  Was Prof Birnbaum's message (below) really written 14 years ago?  Or is it  a bit more current than it appears in my screen?

Steven P Hill,
University of Illinois.  


Date: Thu, 9 May 91 16:30:00 EDT
Subject: Re: Computers and Slavic panel at S.F. AATSEEL 

>Would there be any possibility of acquiring a copy of the papers to be
>read at the conference? Will they be published in the conference
>proceedings? Not knowing what the subject matter is for the other panels,
>I must say that the 'Computers and Slavic' panel deals with topics of keen
>interest to me. Any details of the overall conference programme and list
>of papers would be most appreciated.
AATSEEL, the American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European
Languages, is the principal professional association for U.S. Slavists
specializing in literature, linguistics, and language pedagogy.  It is also the
sponsor of this ListServ.  (The unrelated AAASS, the American Association for
the Advancement of Slavic Studies, is the principal professional organization
for social scientists and area studies folks.)
The San Francisco meeting is the annual convention; these usually last about
three days and include panels on a variety of topics of interest to the
members.  The proceedings are not published as such, although many of the ideas
resurface in separately published papers by their authors.  Ernie has mentioned
that the preliminary program for the conference will be made available on the
seelangs ListServ presently.
Whether there will be a 'Computers and Slavic' panel depends on whether anyone
volunteers a paper before the beginning of June (hint, hint).  There has been
such a panel for the past several years, it was going to be abandoned this year
for lack of interest, and I am trying to revive it.
By the way, I receive two copies of all of Stephen's postings, but only one of
everyone else's.  Is this a mailer problem in New Zealand or does it lie with
the ListServ over here?
Professor David J. Birnbaum       djbpitt at vms.cis.pitt.edu [Internet]
The Royal York Apartments, #802   djbpitt at pittvms.bitnet [Bitnet]
3955 Bigelow Boulevard            voice: 1-412-687-4653
Pittsburgh, PA  15213  USA        fax:   1-412-624-9714

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