Searching and googling... help!

Paul B. Gallagher paulbg at PBG-TRANSLATIONS.COM
Wed Jan 25 10:48:03 UTC 2006

michael.pushkin wrote:

> Jules
> I went onto and searched for уезды Российской империи (uezdy
> Rossiiskoi imperii), typed in Cyrillic. The first site which came up was
> Russian Wikipedia, which had a complete list of the gubernii and their
> uezdy.

You can type the same thing into the English interface and get the same 

As for Jules' problem, it's probably because he didn't use quotation 
marks. If you enter
	lists of uezdy
Google will ignore "of" (it's a stopword) and search for sites with both 
"lists" and "uezdy." But if you enter
	"lists of uezdy"
it finds no hits ("uezdy" being a fairly rare word on its own --  the 
highest count I could get for the plural was 880 for "uyezds").

In addition to the Wikipedia link you mention, here's more that might be 
of interest:

1) <>
Surveys the changes in "administrative-territorial division" beginning 
with Peter's order in 1708 seeking to bring order to the previous chaos 
and ending with the changes of 1957.

2) If you can find it in your library, look into Sergey Anatolyevich 
Tarkhov's work:
    • Тархов С.А. Изменение административно-территориального деления 
России за последние 300 лет//География, № 15, 21, 28/2001.
    • Тархов С.А. Историческая эволюция административно-территориального 
и политического деления России // Регионализация и развитие России: 
географические процессы и проблемы. М., 2001.
    • <>
        Surveys changes from 1708 onward, details the guberniya level
      and above especially after 1905.
        Table 2 pp. 68-69 lists gubernii as of 1905, citing "Брокгауз
      и Ефрон, том 4д (1907, с.935, II—IV)" as his source. See below
      for more on the encyclopedia.
        Table 7 p. 96 shows 476 uyezds as of 1917 (no names, just the
      count), with the uyezd surviving as a unit until 1930 (later
      in the Baltics, but that's not mentioned here); gives counts
      of the various units in various years.

3) An encyclopedic link:
    Encyclopedia entry for "guberniya": description, augmented by list 
of gubernii and their constituent uyezdy as of 1914. Also links to two 
maps, one for the European part of Russia, the other for the Asian part, 
showing boundaries down to the guberniya level, as well as uyezd seats.
    Legend to the Asian map includes list of gubernii.
    See also related article, "Земство":

4) Finally, browse the Brockhaus and Efron 86-volume encyclopedia at 
<>. Choose the first 
letter, and then the headword. From the headword list, links open in a 
new window.
    Incomplete list under "Земская статистика," but you may think of a 
better headword: <>.
    If you're interested in a particular guberniya, look for it as a 
headword. For example:
    Елизаветпольская губерния — одна из самых значительных по 
пространству губерний Закавказья, расположенная...  разделяется на 
восемь уездов: Елизаветпольский, Арешский, Нухинский, Казахский, 
Джеванширский, Джебраильский, Зангезурский и Шушинский. ...

War doesn't determine who's right, just who's left.
Paul B. Gallagher
pbg translations, inc.
"Russian Translations That Read Like Originals"

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