Belarusan birth certificate question

Paul B. Gallagher paulbg at PBG-TRANSLATIONS.COM
Mon Jan 30 05:30:26 UTC 2006

Dear colleagues,

I've been asked to translate a standard bilingual Soviet birth 
certificate (second language: Belarusan) dated 1979, from Frunze 
District of Minsk.

The data are supplied in Russian, and I've seen these forms a million 
times, so the translating the certificate proper is no problem. However, 
there's a rectangular stamp dated 1990 that's a little problematic. For 
one thing, it's a bit illegible, as stamps are wont to be. But here's 
what I think I see (data omitted to preserve client confidentiality):

  Маскоўскі РАУС г. Мінска
Серыя ________ № _________
"__" ________________ 199_
Асабісты № _______________

So I figure the Russian equivalent would be:

  Московский РОВД г. Минска
Серия ________ № _________
"__" ________________ 199_
Личный № _________________

Is this right?

War doesn't determine who's right, just who's left.
Paul B. Gallagher
pbg translations, inc.
"Russian Translations That Read Like Originals"

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