Rembrandt and Dostoevsky

LeBlanc, Ronald Ronald.LeBlanc at UNH.EDU
Sat Aug 4 20:26:55 UTC 2007

Dear SEELANGers,

I am inquiring on behalf of a UNH colleague (an art historian): do you know of anyone who has written on affinities (common  thematic, stylistic, aesthetic, poetic features or sensibilities) between Rembrandt and Dostoevsky?

If so, please reply to me (ronald.leblanc at either on-line or off-line as you see fit.

Thanks in advance,


Ronald D. LeBlanc
Professor of Russian and Humanities
Department of Languages, Literatures, and Cultures
Murkland Hall
University of New Hampshire
Durham, NH 03824
ronald.leblanc at

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