Slovenski jezik/Slovene Linguistic Studies 6 (2007), 10th anniversary issue

Greenberg, Marc L mlg at KU.EDU
Mon Aug 6 21:45:27 UTC 2007

Dear colleagues,

    On behalf of the Fran Ramovs Institute for Slovene Language of the Slovenian Academy of Arts & Sciences and the Hall Center for the Humanities, University of Kansas, we are pleased to announce the publication of the tenth anniversary issue of Slovenski jezik/Slovene Linguistic Studies. This issue features contributions from a wide range of scholars from Europe and North America with various theoretical approaches, all of which we hope will be of interest not only to specialists in Slovene, but to Slavic linguists in general.

      If anyone is interested in obtaining this issue for themselves or their institutional library, please consult the subscription information at <>  Please note that since the printing was done in Ljubljana, it will take a while for the issue to reach North America. North American subscribers should be able to receive a copy in early September if they place their orders between now and the end of August.

      We are particularly proud of the quality and variety of articles in this number and hope you will find them enjoyable and worthwhile. We look forward to further contributions from Slavic linguists interested in Slovene, so please consider us as an outlet for refereed publication of your work in this area. 


Marko Snoj and Marc L. Greenberg, Editors



Marko Snoj (ISJFR, ZRC SAZU) in/and Marc L. Greenberg (U. of Kansas)?Uredniska beseda/A Word from the Editors


Joseph Schallert (U. of Toronto) and Marc L. Greenberg (U. of Kansas)?The Prehistory and Areal Distribution of Slavic *g?lceti 'Speak'

Keith Langston (U. of Georgia) ?The Neocircumflex in Western South Slavic

Grant H. Lundberg (Brigham Young U.)?Perceptual Dialectology and the Future of Slovene Dialects

Tijmen Pronk (Leiden U.)?Gailtal Slovene in Urban Jarnik's Letters to Primic and Kopitar, 1811-1814

Simona Klemencic (ISJFR, ZRC SAZU)?K metodologiji dialektologije jezikovnih druzin: sklepanje o obstoju narecnega areala

Donald F. Reindl (Filozofska fakulteta, Ljubljana)?Slovene Ultra-Formal Address: Borrowing, Innovation, and Analysis

Tanja Fajfar (ISJFR, ZRC SAZU)?Slovenski terminoloski sistemi na primeru pravne terminologije

Irena Stramljic Breznik (Filozofska fakulteta, Maribor)?Slovenska slengovska frazeologija danes

Peter Jurgec (Center for Advanced Study in Theoretical Linguistics, Universitet i Tromsø and ISJFR, ZRC SAZU)?Acoustic Analysis of Tones in Contemporary Standard Slovene: Preliminary Findings

Bostjan Dvorák (Zentrum für Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft, Berlin)?Slovenian Clitic Pronouns and What is so Special About Them

Varja Cvetko Oresnik and Janez Oresnik (Filozofska fakulteta, Ljubljana)?Natural Syntax: Three-Value Naturalness Scales

Agnes Pisanski Peterlin (Filozofska fakulteta, Ljubljana)?Grammatical Forms of Text-Organising Metatext: A Slovene-English Contrastive Analysis

Andreja Zele (ISJFR, ZRC SAZU)?Valency Primitives as Dictionary Realisations

Vrinda Subhalaxmi Chidambaram (Princeton U.)?Relative and Pseudo-Relative Clauses in Slovene


Tom Priestly (Alberta)?On a Recent Article on Developments in Gender in Slovene Dialects. A Personal Note

Eric P. Hamp (Chicago)?Resian Pënt'/Pëgnt' 'Stone, Cliff'


Marc L. Greenberg 
Professor and Chair 
Department of Slavic Languages and Literature 
University of Kansas 
1445 Jayhawk Blvd., Rm. 2133 
Lawrence, KS 66045-7590 
Tel: (785) 864-3313 (Slavic Dept. office) 
      (785) 864-2349 (voice mail) 
Fax: (785) 864-4298 (Write: "Attn: M. L. Greenberg, Slavic") 
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