Reminder: AATSEEL-Wisconsin abstracts due 8/31

Molly Thomasy thomasy at WISC.EDU
Wed Aug 8 17:07:43 UTC 2007

Dear SEELANGers,

Just a reminder that the deadline for submitting abstracts for the  
annual AATSEEL-Wisconsin conference is approaching.  Abstracts are
due August 31st.  Graduate students are especially encouraged to  
participate.  For more information, please see the call for papers  

Call for papers for the 2007 AATSEEL-Wisconsin Conference

AATSEEL-Wisconsin Conference
19-20 October 2007
University of Wisconsin-Madison

Abstracts for 20-minute papers on any aspect of Slavic languages,  
literatures and cultures (including pedagogy, film and drama) are  
invited for the annual conference of the Wisconsin chapter of AATSEEL  
(The American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European  
Literatures).  Comparative topics and interdisciplinary approaches are  
welcome.  The conference will be held at the University of  
Wisconsin-Madison on Saturday, 20 October 2007.

Recent conference programs and guidelines for preparing abstracts are  
posted on the AATSEEL-Wisconsin website at

To present a paper at the AATSEEL-Wisconsin conference, please submit  
an abstract by 31 August 2007.  The complete proposal should include:

1. Author’s contact information (name, affiliation, mailing address,  
telephone, and email)
2. Paper title
3. 300-500 word abstract
4. Equipment request (if necessary)

You may include the above information as an attachment (in MS Word) or  
paste the proposal into the body of your message.

Send proposals by email to:  Molly Thomasy  (thomasy at


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