Pushkin Review Translation Competition and Special Issue

Catherine O'Neil oneil at USNA.EDU
Wed Aug 15 18:56:16 UTC 2007

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Pushkin Review Translation Competition and Special Issue 
in Honor of J. Thomas Shaw

Dear Colleagues,

The Pushkin Review is happy to announce a special issue in honor of Professor 
J. Thomas Shaw, due out at the end of 2007.

In recognition of Professor Shaw’s lifetime work and numerous contributions to 
the field of Pushkin studies in North America, we have two special sections to 
the journal for this issue:

For the best rhymed translation of “Mniszek’s Sonnet” in Boris Godunov.

Following Professor Shaw’s studies of the rhymes in Pushkin’s play, we invite 
literary, rhymed translations of the final 15 lines of scene 12 in “Boris 
Godunov.” Professor Shaw has discussed the function of the sonnet in the 
context of sonnets in Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet, Act 1, scene 5. For 
more information, see Professor Shaw’s article, “Romeo and Juliet, Local Color, 
and ‘Mniszhek’s Sonnet’ in Boris Godunov” (SEEJ 35:1, Spring 1991, 1-35), or 
his book, Pushkin’s Poetics of the Unexpected (Slavica, 1993).

The strict Shakespearean sonnet form need not be adhered to; rather we are 
looking for an elegant translation that closely reflects Pushkin’s original rhyme 

Many thanks to James Falen and J. Douglas Clayton, who will serve as judges 
of the sonnets. 

The winner and two runners-up will be published in the 2007 issue of “Pushkin 
Review” and will receive a free membership to the North American Pushkin 
Society for the year.

SUBMISSION DEADLINE: September 20, 2007

Please submit your translations to: Catherine O’Neil, Co-Managing Editor, 
PUSHKIN REVIEW, oneil at usna.edu 

2. In addition, we are soliciting statements from Professor Shaw’s colleagues 
and former students. These testimonies will be published in the 2007 issue of 
the Pushkin Review.

Please send your text, 200-500 words, with your dates and/or affiliation with 
JTS to Angela Brintlinger, Co-Managing Editor, PUSHKIN REVIEW, 
brintlinger.3 at osu.edu. 

We look forward to hearing from you!

Your Friends in Pushkin,
Angela Brintlinger and Catherine O’Neil
The Pushkin Review

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