Russian drama on video
Nicole Monnier
monniern at MISSOURI.EDU
Thu Aug 16 17:40:24 UTC 2007
I'm teaching a course on Russian drama and would love to be able to show my
students (or make available to them) as many productions of them as
possible. However, beyond "Vanya on 42nd St." (!) my university is
apparently woefully lacking in both videorecordings of stage performances
and film adaptations.
I would be most grateful for both recommendations of specific performances
AND sources (i.e., where I can buy, rent, beg or steal them). The preference
is, of course, for English (alas, it is primarily an undergraduate course),
but subtitled and/or straight up Russian versions would be welcome as well.
And oh, the course contains the usual suspects: Fonvizin, Griboedov,
Pushkin, Gogol, Ostrovsky, and Chekhov (with some Blok, Mayakovsky, and
Kharms thrown in at the end).
Grad students taking the course will also be reading Lermontov,
Sukhovo-Kobylin, Turgenev, Tolstoy, Gorky, Bulgakov.
Dr. Nicole Monnier
Assistant Professor of Instruction
Director of Undergraduate Studies (Russian)
German & Russian Studies
428A GCB
University of Missouri
Columbia, MO 65211
phone: 573.882.3370
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