Stories / articles about immigrant life

Francoise Rosset frosset at WHEATONMA.EDU
Mon Aug 20 15:02:23 UTC 2007

> I am finishing up a syllabus for two students who will do a 
> course with me in fall 2007.  I would be happy to hear suggestions 
> colleagues of short stories or articles on the topic of Russian 
> life in the US.

This is not a proper answer to Ben Rifkin's request, but people might
still find the following useful.

A senior of mine did a mini-project last year on Russian immigrants
to the US, and he really enjoyed looking through this guidebook,
which has parallel Russian-English texts with info on the INS, taxes,
getting a license and registering your car, voting, getting credit or
hiring a plumber etc. It's a big "kirpich" of a book (it's even red) 
tons of everyday vocabulary.

Vitalyi Demin and Olga Demin Lambert:
Welcome to America: the Complete Guide for Immigrants
"Dobro pozhalovat v Ameriku: rukovodstvo diia immigrantov"
Saco, ME.: ViOLa Pub LLC, 2003


Francoise Rosset
Russian and Russian Studies
Coordinator, German and Russian
Wheaton College
Norton, Massachusetts 02766
Office: (508) 285-3696
FAX:   (508) 286-3640

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