Putin's critic's mental hospital ordeal
Alexandra Smith
Alexandra.Smith at ED.AC.UK
Thu Aug 23 09:04:23 UTC 2007
Dear colleagues,
Just to draw your attention to a disturbing article on the use of
mental hospital treatment in Murmansk for political purposes which was
published in The Independent yesterday. See an extract from it and the
link to it below.
All best,
Putin critic tells of her mental hospital ordeal
By Alastair Gee in Moscow
Published: 22 August 2007
Larisa Arap has just emerged from a 46-day imprisonment in two Russian
psychiatric hospitals. Pills were forced down her throat and she
received injection after injection. She doesn't know what medications
they were, or whether they will cause permanent damage.
"I don't feel very well, but I have a fighting spirit," Mrs Arap said
yesterday, adding that sometimes she was so drugged she could barely
walk or speak
She was forcibly interned, not for health reasons, but over her
association with the opposition group led by former chess star Garry
Kasparov, the United Civil Front. Her arrest stemmed from the
publication of an article entitled "Madhouse," exposing the ghoulish
practices of a Russian psychiatric hospital in the Murmansk edition of
his organisation's newspaper, Dissenters' March.
The full article is located at ths site:
Alexandra Smith (PhD, University of London)
Lecturer in Russian
School of European Languages and Cultures
The University of Edinburgh
David Hume Tower
George Square
Edinburgh EX8 9JX
tel. +44-(0)131-6511381
fax: +44- (0)131- 650-3604
e-mail: Alexandra.Smith at ed.ac.uk
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