Posting for Professor of Russian Literature at UWMadison PVL 57133

Jane Roberts jbrobert at WISC.EDU
Thu Aug 23 21:01:36 UTC 2007

University of Wisconsin-Madison

The Department of Slavic Languages invites applications for an assistant 
professor (tenure-

track) in Russian literature beginning August 2008.  Ph.D. required prior 
to start of

appointment.  Native or near-native competence in Russian and English 
required.   Good

interpersonal and administrative skills.  Ability to teach Russian language 
at all levels

and Russian literature at undergraduate and graduate levels.  Field of 
specialization open

though preference given to 19th and 20th century prose.  Possible secondary 
specialties also

open, though ability to teach any of following a plus: comparative Slavic 

medieval period, OCS, 18th century, structure of Russian.  Full 
participation in the

undergraduate and graduate missions of the department, including 
supervision of

dissertations.  To ensure full consideration, applications must be received 
by October 15,

2007.  Submit a letter of application, a curriculum vitae, and three 
letters of reference by

mail to:  Professor David Bethea, Department of Slavic Languages, 1432 Van 
Hise Hall,

University of Wisconsin-Madison, Madison, WI  53706-1525.  Unless 
confidentiality is

requested in writing, information regarding applicants must be released 
upon request.

Finalists cannot be guaranteed confidentiality.  Affirmative Action/Equal 

Employer.  Women and minorities are encouraged to apply.

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