Aida Vidan
Thu Mar 6 03:07:26 UTC 2008
Return of the Song: The Milman Parry Collection and Its Reception in the World
Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina, July 3-6, 2008
Conference website:
Application deadline: May 1st, 2008.
To apply: register online at the conference website or send paper abstract and
contact information to avidan at
Organized by School of Humanities, University of Tuzla, Bosnia and Herzegovina;
The Milman Parry Collection of Oral Literature, Harvard University; and Public
and University Library Tuzla
Official languages of the conference: Bosnian, Croatian, Serbian, English
Since its inception in the 1930s The Milman Parry Collection at Harvard
University has played a central role in our understanding of oral literature,
its formation, transmission, and cultural significance in different epochs and
with different groups of people. Despite its predominantly South-Slavic corpus,
the theories that sprang from it have had considerably broader ramifications.
These have stretched far beyond both the Hellenic and Slavic worlds, which were
the focus of research of Milman Parry and Albert Lord, the two scholars who
established it. It is now hardly possible to find an oral tradition in the
world the research on which has not been touched by the theories of Parry and
Lord. The two researchers embarked on a challenging journey in search of the
origins of the Iliad and the Odyssey. Along the way, they captured a slice of a
bygone time in the archive they left behind, thereby allowing many other
researchers to continue traveling and discovering.
The goal of this conference is to provide a forum for scholars who have used
the Parry-Lord theories or archival materials in their own work. In conjunction
with this, we welcome papers on any aspect of oral traditional literatures from
around the world. Areas of focus include (but are not limited to) cultural and
anthropological studies, stylistic investigation of oral traditional forms,
linguistic issues in the study of oral traditions, mythology, ethnomusicology,
performance analysis, problems of genre, the crossroads of oral and
institutional literatures, the collecting and classification of folk materials,
questions of memory and composition-in-performance, cross-regional folklore
studies, and the role of information technology in folklore research.
Povratak pjesme: Zbirka Milmana Parryja i njeni recepcijski odjeci u svijetu
Tuzla, Bosna i Hercegovina, 3-6. VII 2008.
Website skupa:
Rok za prijavu: 1. V 2008.
Prijavite se registracijom na website-u skupa ili posaljite sazetak rada s
kontakt informacijama na sljedecu e-adresu: avidan at
Organizator: Filozofski fakultet, Univerzitet u Tuzli, Bosna i Hercegovina; The
Milman Parry Collection of Oral Literature, Harvard University i Narodna i
univerzitetska biblioteka Tuzla
Sluzbeni jezici skupa: bosanski, hrvatski, srpski, engleski
Od svog zacetka 1930-tih godina do danasnjeg dana, Zbirka Milmana Parryja na
Univerzitetu Harvard odigrala je centralnu ulogu u nasem poimanju usmene
knjizevnosti, njenog nastanka, prenosenja i kulturnog znacaja u razlicitim
vremenima i medju razlicitim skupinama ljudi. Bez obzira na prevalentno
juznoslavenski korpus, teorije koje su iznikle iz nje su imale znatno vecu
razgranatost. One su obuhvatile podrucje daleko sire od helenistickog i
slavenskog svijeta koji su bili fokus istrazivanja Milmana Parryja i Alberta
Lorda, dvaju znanstvenika koji su zbirku ustanovili. Uistinu, tesko je pronaci
neku usmenu tradiciju u svijetu istrazivanje koje nije dotaknuto Parryjevim i
Lordovim teorijama. Dva znanstvenika su krenula na izazovno putovanje u potrazi
za izvorima Ilijade i Odiseje. Uspjesno obavivsi taj zadatak, sacuvali su
takodjer i odsjecak odmaklog vremena u arhivu koji su nam ostavili, otvorivsi
mogucnost time da mnogi drugi istrazivaci nastave putovati i otkrivati.
Cilj ovog skupa je da posluzi kao forum za znanstvenike koji su zasnovali
vlastiti rad na Parryjevim i Lordovim teorijama ili koristili njihove arhivske
materijale. U vezi s ovim, pozivamo Vas da predlozite refereat na temu iz bilo
kojeg vida usmene tradicionalne knjizevnosti iz cijelog svijeta. Skup ce biti
usredotocen (ali ne i ogranicen) na sljedeca podrucja: kulturoloske i
antropoloske studije, stilisticke analize usmenih oblika, lingvisticka pitanja
u istrazivanju usmene tradicije, mitologija, etnomuzikologija, analize
izvedbenog aspekta, problemi zanra, dodirne tocke izmedju usmene i
institucionalne knjizevnosti, sakupljanje i klasifikacija folklornih
materijala, pitanja memorije i izvedbe, viseregijske folklorne studije, te
uloga informacijskih tehnologija u istrazivanju folklora.
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