Central European Study Programs: Dartmore Institute

Boris Wolfson bwolfson at AMHERST.EDU
Sun Nov 1 12:58:04 UTC 2009

Dear SEELANGers,

On behalf of Polina Barskova, I am forwarding this message from David 
Sparandara, the director of the Dartmore Institute in Prague. Polina, who 
has collaborated with the Dartmore, adds: "If you are interested in 
organizing any kind of programming targeted at Central Europe for your 
students, this is a wonderful option. Hampshire College students are very 
happy with it. David will be at the AAASS convention, and will be 
delighted to answer all your questions."  Please respond directly to 


Dear Colleagues,

My name is David Sparandara, and I am the Executive Director of the 
Dartmore Institute for Central European Studies, a fully accredited and 
not-for-profit educational institute, located in Prague.  The mission of 
the Institute is to offer academic programs to university-age students the 
world over, hence facilitating and allowing for a deeper understanding of 
the history, art, culture, and politics of Central Europe.

We offer innovative full semester and/or three- to five-week study abroad 
programs in the following disciplines:

- Liberal Arts

- Jewish Studies

- Arts and Architecture

We also offer a special program on Refugee Studies.

The Dartmore Institute's programs distinguish themselves from others in 
the following ways:

- Our programs are Central European in focus, where all others based in 
Prague are limited to just the Czech Republic.

- We champion unique partnerships with universities and colleges allowing 
for joint curriculum development and faculty involvement, which lead to 
tailor-made programs.

- Students are afforded individual attention in all aspects of our 
program via orientation, class selection, academic advising, and 
individual tutorials.

- Study trips that are integrated carefully into our academic programs, 
not tourism under the guise of academic rigor.

- Housing options carefully selected to insure student privacy and safety 
but also allowing for integration into Czech life. All student apartments 
are in Czech houses or small pensions within 10 minutes from the study 
center and the old town.

We would be very interested in opening a dialogue with your university 
concerning the possibility of offering our study abroad programs to your 
students. The Institute would like to make it possible for your professors 
to spend a semester or a part of a semester with your students studying 
with us in Prague.  This professor would also provide direct oversight for 
your university and create a strong link between the Institute and the 

The Institute's mission is aided greatly through our cooperation with 
Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland and its Centre for European 
Studies (http://www.ces.uj.edu.pl), which accredits the Institute's 
programs.  This allows Dartmore students to receive academic credit for 
work done at the Institute.

For more detailed information about the Institute and its study abroad 
programs, please contact me at your convenience or visit our website at 
www.dartmore.cz.  Thank you for your time, and I look forward to any 
questions or comments you may have.


David Sparandara
Executive Director
The Dartmore Institute for Central European Studies 
dsparandara at dartmore.cz
(516) 208 2452 or
+420 723 747 125


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