The Superstitious Muse: Thinking Russian Literature Mythopoetically by David Bethea

christa kling christa_kling at YAHOO.COM
Tue Nov 3 17:40:42 UTC 2009

Dear fellow SEELANGS members,

Academic Studies Press is pleased to announce that advance copies of David Bethea's "The Superstitious Muse: Thinking Russian Literature Mythopoetically" will be available in the Academic Studies Press booth 120 at AAASS meeting. We will be extending a 30% discount for all orders written at the conference. We look forward to seeing you there!

The Superstitious Muse: Thinking Russian Literature Mythopoetically

by David Bethea
Introduction by Caryl Emerson

ISBN: 978-1-934843-17-8
Publication Date: November 16, 2009

For several decades David Bethea has written authoritatively on the “mythopoetic thinking” that lies at the heart of classical Russian literature, especially Russian poetry. His theoretically informed essays and books have made a point of turning back to issues of intentionality and biography at a time when authorial agency seems under threat of “erasure” and the question of how writers, and poets in particular, live their lives through their art is increasingly moot. The lichnost’ (personhood, psychic totality) of the given writer is all-important, argues Bethea, as it is that which combines the specifically biographical and the capaciously mythical in verbal units that speak simultaneously to different planes of being. Pushkin’s Evgeny can be one incarnation of the poet himself and an Everyman rising up to challenge Peter’s new world order; Brodsky can be, all at once, Dante and Mandelstam and himself, the exile paying an Orphic visit to
 Florence (and, by ghostly association, Leningrad).This sort of metempsychosis, where the stories that constitute the Ur-texts of Russian literature are constantly reworked in the biographical myths shaping individual writers’ lives, is Bethea’s primary focus. This collection contains a liberal sampling of Bethea’s most memorable previously published essays along with new studies prepared for this occasion. 

For more information about this and our other titles, please feel free to visit our website at 

Warm regards,

Christa Kling
Sales and Marketing
Academic Studies Press
christa.kling at


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