THEATRE JOURNAL call for submissions on special issue
Beth Holmgren
beth.holmgren at DUKE.EDU
Mon Nov 16 20:28:40 UTC 2009
For A Special Issue On "Theatre and Performance in Russia and Eastern
Europe: Yesterday and Today"
Almost twenty years have passed since the collapse of the Soviet
Union-a remarkable event that allowed Western scholars unprecedented
access to formerly proscribed archives, museums, and libraries in
Russia and Eastern Europe. In addition to serving the interests of
Western scholars, the new openness (glasnost') and reorganization
(perestroika) of society and state encouraged theatre artists to
express themselves more freely and to travel: for the first time in
many decades, they could see us and we could see them. In the
immediate post-Soviet era, the West-especially the United States-was
curious about the former Soviet bloc and eager to remake Russia and
its satellites in its own image. Even before 9/11/2001, however, the
relationship between the US and the Russian Federation began to
cool-and yet, there is so much more to discover about each other.
That is why the editors of Theatre Journal invite full-length essays
pertaining to the past, present, and future of theatre and performance
in Russia and Eastern Europe.
Please send inquiries about this special issue to Catherine Schuler,
Editor, Theatre Journal at cschuler at Submissions should be
emailed to Bob Kowkabany, Managing Editor, at doriclay at by
February 15, 2009.
Posted by Beth Holmgren for Catherine Schuler
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