Folklorica 2009 available

nataliek at UALBERTA.CA nataliek at UALBERTA.CA
Tue Nov 17 05:07:50 UTC 2009

Dear Fellow list members,

I am pleased to announced the publication of the most recent issue of  
Folklorica, the journal of the Slavic and East European Folklore  
Association.  The table of contents is below.  To join SEEFA and  
receive Folklorica, please download the membership form at  Membership fees are an  
absolutely cheap $25.  Dues will increase to a still most reasonable  
$35 on January 15, 2010.

Folklorica 2009 contents:
 From the Editor                                                iii


Aspects of Historical Poetics and Pragmatics of  Slavic Charms
Pieter Plas and Aleksey V. Yudin                             1

Charms and Incantational Magic of the Northern Russians (In Records of  
the Early
Twenty-first Century)
Iulia Krasheninnikova                                        27

Traditional Magic or European Occultism? Commercial Fortune Telling  
and Magic in
Post-Soviet Russia and their Relationship to Russian Tradition
Faith Wigzell                                                57

The Myth of the “Russian Soul” Through the Mirror of Language
Valentina Apresjan                                           91

The Human Body and the Plant World: Mutual Relations of the Codes
Valeria B. Kolosova                                          123

“A Megcsalt Férj” or Cunningly Lingual Wives in Hungarian Ballad Tradition
Louise O. Vasvári                                            143


Folklore Research Resources in East European Studies: The Library and  
Archives of the American Hungarian Foundation
Judit Hajnal Ward and Sylvia Csűrös Clark               155

The Russian Folk Religious Imagination: Web-based Digital Archive and  
Critical Edition
Jeanmarie Rouhier-Willoughby                                 169

“Zhivaia Starina” (“Living Tradition”): An Academic Journal
Dmitry Nikolaev                                              181


Ryan, W. F. Russian Magic at the British Library: Books, Manuscripts,  
Travelers, The Panizzi Lectures,
Linda Ivanits                                                185

Fialkov, Lev and Larisa Fialkova (compilers). Peoples of the World on  
Life and Death, Health and Illness, Patients and Physicians.Proverbs  
and Sayings]
Hanna Chuchvaha                                              188

Heretz, Leonid. Russia on the Eve of Modernity: Popular Religion and  
Traditional Culture under the Last Tsars
Faith Wigzell                                                191

Haney, Jack V. An Anthology of Russian Folktales.
Dorian Jurić                                            195

Ben-Amos, Dan. (ed.), Leonard J. Schramm, (trans.) Folktales of the  
Jews. Volume 2. Tales from Eastern Europe
Antoaneta Olteanu                                        198

Natalie Kononenko
Kule Chair of Ukrainian Ethnography
Editor, Folklorica
University of Alberta
Modern Languages and Cultural Studies
200 Arts Building
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6G 2E6
Phone: 780-492-6810

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