Cross-dressing in Stalinist film
Sat Nov 21 17:30:07 UTC 2009
Does Marfa Lapkina count in the last scene of "The Old and the New?"
Gerald Pirog
Nicola Kuchta wrote:
> Dear col
> *Cross-listed. My apologies to those who receive this twice.*
> Dear colleagues,
> I am trying to locate instances of cross-dressing in Stalinist film (1929-1953) but am having trouble moving beyond the obvious: Volga Volga, My iz Kronshtadta, Ivan the Terrible (all parts), and the "masculine" attire of women in particular moments of Aleksandr Nevskii, Traktoristy, Zhdi menia, etc. Your help would be much appreciated.
> I am looking for any example of cross-dressing regardless of context. By "cross-dressing," I mean moments in which a character (principle or otherwise) appears in or adopts clothing that gender-codes them differently from other characters of the same sex. So, for example, in addition to Orlova's comedic sartorial "manliness" in Volga Volga, I include the less obvious "frontovaia zhena" character in Zhdi menia and the times when Ladynina and her kolkhoznitsy appear to be coded "male" or "female" by their dress in Traktoristy. The mannequins in Medvedkin's Schast'e also qualify.
> Please reply off list with any suggestions or insights to nicolakuchta at
> Thank you very much.
> Nicola Kuchta
> U Pittsburgh
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