Czech at German, French and Spanish universities

Neil Bermel n.bermel at SHEFFIELD.AC.UK
Mon Nov 23 14:28:41 UTC 2009


I have two students who are heading off in September for their mandatory 
year abroad.  One will be spending a semester in France and a semester 
in Spain; the other will be spending a semester in Germany and one in 
Spain.  Both are doing Czech as their third language and are keen not to 
lose track of it while abroad.  Can SEELANGers recommend universities in 
these countries, especially France and Spain, with programmes in Czech 
at intermediate level?



Neil Bermel
Russian & Slavonic Studies
Acting Head, School of Modern Languages & Linguistics
University of Sheffield
Jessop West
1 Upper Hanover Street
Sheffield S3 7RA, U.K.
tel. +44 (0)114 222 7405
fax +44 (0)114 222 2888

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