Southern Conference on Slavic Studies, March 25-27, 2010 (Gainesville, FL)

Elizabeth Skomp elizabethskomp at HOTMAIL.COM
Tue Nov 24 03:15:41 UTC 2009

Southern Conference on Slavic Studies
March 25-27, 2010
Gainesville, Florida
The 48th annual meeting of the Southern Conference on Slavic Studies (SCSS) will take place in Gainesville, FL on March 25-27, 2010. The conference, hosted by the University of Florida, will be held at the Hilton University of Florida Conference Center. The special conference rate is $135 per night. The hotel can be reached by phone at: 1-352-371-3600. Reservations can be made at 1-800-HILTONS, (group code SVC). In addition to the regular panels, there will be a special plenary roundtable session devoted to:
“Gas Wars, Colored Revolutions, and Media Politics in Russia and the ‘Near Abroad’”
Leading scholars of Russian and Ukrainian politics will gather to assess the state of and prospects for relations between Russia, Europe, and the Russian “Near Abroad.”
Following the plenary session, Professor Mark von Hagen will deliver the keynote address, “History Wars: Memory and Geopolitics in Eastern Europe,” at the Friday night banquet.
The deadline for panel and paper proposals for the conference is January 15, 2010.  Papers from all humanities and social science disciplines are welcome and encouraged, as is a focus on countries other than Russia/USSR. Whole panel proposals (chair, three papers, discussant) are preferred, but proposals for individual papers are also welcome. Whole panel proposals should include the titles of each individual paper as well as a proposed title for the panel itself and identifying information (including email addresses and institutional affiliations) for all participants. Proposals for individual papers should include email contact, institutional affiliation, and a brief (one paragraph) abstract to guide the program committee in the assembly of panels. Please indicate any AV equipment you require.  Email (preferably) your proposal to Sharon Kowalsky at sharon_kowalsky at, or send it by conventional post to: 
Dr. Sharon Kowalsky
Department of History
Texas A&M University-Commerce
PO Box 3011
Commerce, TX 75429
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