Seeking accommodation in Petersburg Dec '09-March '10

Muireann Maguire mm504 at CAM.AC.UK
Wed Nov 25 12:20:15 UTC 2009

Dear Seelangers,

I've just received my visa for a research trip to St Petersburg, during
which I'll be a Visiting Scholar at Pushkinskii Dom. As a result, I'm
urgently looking for accommodation relatively close to the city centre for
the period from approximately Dec 20 2009 - 20 March 2010. I'm interested in
either a small flat or a room in a shared apartment. Ideally, I would like
to share a flat with a female academic or professional. As this trip is
self-funded, I would prefer to consider inexpensive options (regretfully
ruling out a penthouse in the Hermitage, should any of you have contact
details for such) at the lower end of the rent scale.

I would be immensely grateful if you or your acquaintances could help me.
Please reply offlist to mm504 at

Best wishes,

Dr Muireann Maguire

Jesus College, Cambridge

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