Experience with / Interest in the Nota Bene word processing and reference management software

Gerald McCausland gmmst11 at PITT.EDU
Thu Nov 26 10:21:14 UTC 2009

I began using NotaBene in 1988 and have never looked back. I completely 
agree with David Goldfarb's excellent summary of its strengths as well 
as of its "downside." To his message I would only add that a world-wide 
community of Nota Bene users have been offering each other support (both 
technical and moral) in one of the earliest and most remarkable internet 
listserve communities that I know of. Other than SEELANGS, it is the 
only other mailing list to which I have been subscribed throughout my 
academic life. It makes the aforementioned learning curve much easier to 

Another reasonably balanced description of the software package and its 
various components can be found at:



Gerald McCausland, PhD
Lecturer and Language Program Director
Slavic Languages and Literatures
University of Pittsburgh
gmmst11 at pitt.edu

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