student safety in St Petersburg

Alina Israeli aisrael at AMERICAN.EDU
Thu Nov 26 15:41:07 UTC 2009

Indeed, a girl-friend of mine, a native Leningrader was a couple of  
days ago attacked on Nevsky in plain site of everybody. She ended up  
with a concussion.

However, even Russian sources keep track of the attacks on foreign  
students, because they are an obvious target and they are attacked  
not randomly but BECAUSE of who they are and what they look like.  
Here's some statistics of the attacks on foreign students in St.  

So one has to have a clear division between the random attacks and  
the racially motivated attacks.

On Nov 26, 2009, at 5:21 AM, Dustin Hosseini wrote:

> Interesting how this survey only focuses on the African community  
> in Moscow,
> but no others.  The comment about fear of the police/officials can be
> applied to everyone that lives in Russia - you don't have to be of a
> particular group to fear the police.  Ask most any Russian, American,
> Filipino, etc. living in Moscow or St. Pete, and I'm sure that more  
> than
> half will tell you to avoid the police at any rate.
> Drawing on what Paul described, and the way I interpret it is this  
> - is the
> problem a matter of race or of simply being a foreigner, or both?    
> Here's a
> question people seem to avoid.

Alina Israeli
Associate Professor of Russian
LFS, American University
4400 Massachusetts Ave.
Washington DC 20016
(202) 885-2387 	fax (202) 885-1076
aisrael at

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