'Anna Karenina' and Zhukova's 'Baron Reikhman'

greniers at GEORGETOWN.EDU greniers at GEORGETOWN.EDU
Thu Nov 26 17:06:05 UTC 2009

Dear Joe, Olia and SEELANGers

I have observed the parallels and have written about them (I think!) in some footnotes to my book "Representing the Marginal Woman" and possibly in another article in Russian in the collection "Piorem i wdziekiem" edited by Wanda Laszczak and published by the University of Opole.  Unfortunately, I have both books in my office, and this being a long weekend in the U.S., am not able to access them right away.  I am currently working on a monograph on, loosely termed, "Russian Novel of Adultery" and am going to devote a considerable space to the question of Zhukova's possible "influence" on Tolstoy.  Basically, there is no record of Tolstoy being familiar with "Evenings on the Karpovka" but he did read, and wrote in his diary about, her story "Nadenka" in 1853.  If anyone can find evidence of him having read "Baron Reikhman", I'd love to hear about it!:)


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