student safety in St Petersburg

Alina Israeli aisrael at AMERICAN.EDU
Fri Nov 27 15:35:03 UTC 2009

Liberal commentators on Ekho Moskvy are prone to using invisible  
quotation marks:
Or Не услышал он кавычек в «никто не знал». 

BTW, there are also non-liberal commentators on Ekho Moskvy,  
Prokhanov, for example. By Venektov's own definition he is an  

On Nov 27, 2009, at 3:05 AM, Michele A. Berdy wrote:

> Well, I give up, Mr Hosseini. You don't want to acknowledge studies  
> of hate crimes against non-whites conducted by Russians, or MVD  
> statistics, or even, it would seem, Russian official statements  
> about skinheads and nationalist violence. You seem to be content in  
> thinking that it's no worse in Russia than in the US. Well, show me  
> a US city that locks their minority students in their dorms on  
> Hitler's birthday, and then I'll believe you.
> Prof Meerson, there are various attempts to combat this, but there  
> is, I think, a lack of real support at every level, including  
> (unfortunately) the Church. And it's hard to erradicate because it  
> has become socially acceptable to utter racial and ethnic slurs. I  
> personally think the Russia media plays an enormous role  
> encouraging this. Someone who did a TV film on the 1940s had no  
> trouble with the bosses over showing aspects of Stalinism, but he  
> was told to cut scenes showing a positive British character because  
> "we don't need to show good foreigners on Russian TV."  Or you'll  
> hear on Ekho Moskvy a "liberal" commentator saying, "Well, I'd  
> expect that of naglye amerikantsy, but not of the French." It's  
> very discouraging.

Alina Israeli
Associate Professor of Russian
LFS, American University
4400 Massachusetts Ave.
Washington DC 20016
(202) 885-2387 	fax (202) 885-1076
aisrael at

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