commentary to student safety in St Petersburg

Dustin Hosseini dustin.hosseini at GMAIL.COM
Sat Nov 28 11:01:35 UTC 2009


Some fears are rational, some are not.  As I remember back in 2000, my
mother and father were very much against my idea of going to study in Russia
- simply because it was a vast unknown.  More recently, in 2006 when my
Russian partner and I went outside of Russia for a vacation (to Syria) his
mother was completely against that because it was a Muslim country, among
other things.  

I call both of the above examples of irrational fear of something or
someone.  Yes, fear is a part of all of us, and it can protect us, but fear
does, in fact, get in the way at times and is therefore irrational.  Again,
Russia is not so dangerous, in spite of the statistics dictate, that people
should simply stay away.  

If 'people of color' can't study in Russia for the obvious main reasons of
studying the language, culture, and history in a rich context, then what is
the answer?  Should programs be set up in Belarus and Ukraine?  

"the problem of racism will resolve itself".  Fine - this will seem like
apples and oranges, but if this problem has gone through a long process in
the US, why should we expect it to be solved overnight in Russia?  There is
a process and it has to be completed, and that does include a struggle of
some sort. 

No, I am against foreign interference in Russia for both issues.  Since when
have Russians ever wholeheartedly welcomed outside influence to solve their
own problems?  I don't remember it ever causing much good either objectively
or in the eyes of the Russians.  

Shlomit, I had a lot of friends and acquaintances in the LGBT community in
Moscow; I, a single solitary person, would inquire about their thoughts and
feelings on the failed 'pride parades'.  They considered it a shame,
something that lacked government support, something that completely lacked
organization, and it was ultimately a failure.  
The guy behind the parades, Nikolai Alexeyev, does well at making a big
scandalous scene, but does little to produce anything effective.  

Many of the people with whom I spoke also thought it a bit silly that a
British MP would come over and try to change anything.  Again, it is that
idea of a foreigner interfering (and causing a scene) in a domestic affair
that does not sit well with many, regardless of whether they are LGBT or not.  

Let's not forget that only 10-20 years ago several countries that have up to
now changed their laws on homosexuality, had in those days laws outlawing
the very idea or did not have provisions for protecting that particular

In the US today gays may be able to hold parades, but that still doesn't
mean that they are all completely equal with their heterosexual
counterparts.  So, they will just have to wait until the rest of the country
is ready.  I think that is logical.  Forcing someone's hand never wins any
friends or support.  

Perhaps when Luzhkov kicks the bucket, the gays will finally be able to have
a parade, but for now he is mayor and nothing, I think, will get past him.  

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