Marina Rojavin mrojavi1 at SWARTHMORE.EDU
Mon Nov 30 15:58:56 UTC 2009


Proposals for individual papers or for complete panels are invited for the 33rd Annual Meeting of the Mid-Atlantic Slavic Conference, a regional conference of the AAASS (ASEEES), will be held on Saturday, March 20, 2010 at Swarthmore College in Swarthmore, PA. Proposals should include:

1. The paper title and a brief abstract;
2. Any requests for technical support;
3. The surface and e-mail addresses of the presenter;
4. Institutional affiliation and professional status (professor, graduate student, independent scholar, etc.).

Undergraduate students may propose a paper to present at the conference if a faculty mentor recommends them and submits this information for them.

The deadline for consideration is December 15. Please send proposals to <theis at kutztown.edu> or by mail to:
Dr. Mary Theis, MASC Executive Secretary
Department of Modern Language Studies
Kutztown University
PO Box 730
Kutztown, PA  19530

Dr. Marina Rojavin will serve as President of the Conference. 
Keynote Address by Professor Sibelan Forrester, "Reverse Colonialization: Bringing the Other into the Slavic Studies Classroom" 

Besides the interesting papers and stimulating discussions of their colleagues, conference participants can enjoy the natural beauty of the Swarthmore College campus and the Scott Arboretum, a  botanical garden situated right on campus. Not far from Swarthmore is an amazing art collection at the Barnes Foundation, including works by artists such as Modigliani, Sautine, Matisse, Cezanne, Picasso, and Renoir. Swarthmore is a fifteen-minute cab ride from Philadelphia International Airport or a half-hour train ride to downtown Philadelphia, with outstanding restaurants, theaters, and the Kimmel Center - home of the Philadelphia Orchestra. 

Swarthmore College is located Southwest of Philadelphia, a short and uncomplicated drive from Exit 3 off I-476, about twenty minutes by commuter train from Philadelphia's Amtrak/30th Street Station, and a fifteen-minute cab ride from Philadelphia International Airport.

We look forward to seeing you at the conference!

Dr. Mary Theis, MASC Executive Secretary

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