ASEEES 2012 CfP: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Former Yugoslavia

Marina Antic mantic at WISC.EDU
Fri Dec 2 16:50:55 UTC 2011

Call for Papers
ASEEES 2012 New Orleans
November 15-18 2012
Interdisciplinary Approaches to Former Yugoslavia

This panel is focused on interdisciplinary modes of inquiry in the study 
of former Yugoslavia and its successor states. We will explore 
interdisciplinary approaches to history, culture, politics, literature, 
and popular culture including music and film. Papers on any topic within 
this broad area are welcome. Theoretical reflections on 
interdisciplinary inquiry with regards to the subject are encouraged.

500 word proposals, affiliation and short bio by December 30 to Marina 
Antic mantic at <mailto:mantic at>.

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