CfP Negotiating Ideologies II: Inclusion and Exclusion in Russian Language and Culture PG Conference

Samantha Sherry s.sherry at SMS.ED.AC.UK
Wed Dec 7 16:52:23 UTC 2011

Following the first Negotiating Ideologies conference in 2010, we are pleased to announce a second one-day conference for postgraduates in the field of Russian Studies, to be held at the Princess Dashkova Centre, University of Edinburgh, on the 5th of October, 2012. 

This interdisciplinary conference will examine ideological production in Russian language and culture through the multiple tools of inclusion and exclusion. By bringing together scholars from diverse backgrounds within the broad field of Russian studies, we hope to take advantage of different disciplinary perspectives on practices of inclusion and exclusion. Panels are invited from researchers in areas such as sociolinguistics, discourse analysis, culture, history, and translation. 

The conference will address aspects such as: 
•	The working of discourses to construct in and out groups. 
•	Discourses of racism and other forms of discrimination.
•	Language policy in Russia.
•	The place of the Russian language outside Russia.
•	Cultural means of creating inclusion and exclusion.
•	Inclusion and exclusion in translation.
•	Inclusion and exclusion in a historical perspective.
•	Memory studies: ‘remembering’ or ‘forgetting’ aspects of the past. 

Proposals for 20-minute papers are invited from current postgraduates by the closing date of 1 May 2012. Please submit short abstracts (up to 300 words) and details of institutional affiliation to the organisers at russianstudiesconference at 
Some assistance with speakers’ travel expenses may be available—this is dependent on funding.

Organising committee:
Ekaterina Popova
Elena Moore
Samantha Sherry

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