Eng. translation of 1835 Taras Bulba?

Edyta Bojanowska bojanows at RCI.RUTGERS.EDU
Thu Dec 8 01:12:57 UTC 2011

Hello everyone,
The text in the link that Anne provided is to the Cournos translation of the 1842, not the 1835 text.  The same may be true of the MacAndrew translation which I vaguely remember checking.
As for the differences between the two versions, may I be permitted to mention my own book, "Nikolai Gogol: Between Ukrainian and Russian Nationalism" (Harvard Univ. Press, 2007, http://www.hup.harvard.edu/catalog.php?recid=28620), in which I analyze these differences very closely in my chapter on "Taras Bulba."  While in the main, Gogol ramps up Great Russian nationalism in the 1842 version, he also complicates the picture by introducing changes that go against the very idea of nationalism and national identity, including the Great Russian one, treat more kindly Andrij's defection, and mention points of contact between the Polish and Cossack cultures that, on the face of it, are supposedly locked in an unresolvable conflict.
Regards to the list,
Edyta Bojanowska

Assistant Professor of Russian and Comparative Literature, Rutgers University
bojanows at rci.rutgers.edu

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