new online issue of Slovo (Uppsala) now available

Vakareliyska vakarel at UOREGON.EDU
Tue Dec 20 14:10:35 UTC 2011

Dear friends and colleagues,

We are happy to announce that the 52nd issue of 
Slovo: Journal of Slavic Linguistics and 
Literatures is now available at

This new issue is the last one before Slovo 
officially becomes an international journal. We 
are also announcing at this time a Call for 
Papers for the next issue. Slovo accepts 
contributions written in any Slavic language, 
English, German, French and Swedish. Each 
submission should not exceed 20 pages in length. 
The deadline for submissions for the next issue 
is August 1st, 2012.

More details about how to submit can be found at

Slovo is a peer-reviewed open-access e-journal.

Best regards,

Daniela Assenova, Irina Lysén & Johani Nuorluoto
Editors, Slovo

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