'Tis the Season--AATSEEL News!

Molly Thomasy Blasing thomasy at WISC.EDU
Fri Dec 23 17:43:53 UTC 2011

Dear SEELANGers!

We are once again soliciting member news for the February issue of the AATSEEL Newsletter and we'd love to hear from you! 

Tell us about your recent professional achievements, or let us know about new jobs, degrees, retirements, grants and awards that you and your colleagues have received.  Send a short announcement (name, achievement, affiliation) for inclusion in the upcoming Member News Column to

Molly Blasing
thomasy at wisc.edu

as soon as possible, but no later than December 31st.

(Please note that information will be included in the newsletter only for current AATSEEL members.)

Happy holidays!

Molly Thomasy Blasing
PhD Candidate
University of Wisconsin-Madison
thomasy at wisc.edu

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