query about Chechen language

luba ginsburg lubaginsburg at YAHOO.COM
Tue Dec 4 06:40:03 UTC 2012

Dear Colleagues, 

  I'm joining Professor Kalb in her request. I also have a student who is looking for an opportunity to become acquainted with Chechen language and culture. I would appreciate any suggestion. 

I teach at Rutgers, so my student could probably consider instruction either in New York or in NJ. Have anyone heard of an on-line course? 

Thank you so much in advance. 


Lyubov Ginzburg

Sent: Tuesday, December 4, 2012 12:18 AM
Subject: [SEELANGS] query about Chechen language

Dear colleagues, 
A former student of mine, now based in Tampa, FL, is looking for textbooks for learning Chechen and also for a tutor.  I wondered whether any of you might have leads on this.  He has located Matsiev's "Short Grammatical Outline of the Chechen Language," but wonders if there's anything else useful.  Please reply to me off-list.  Many thanks for any suggestions you may have.
All best,
Dr. Judith E. Kalb
Assoc. Prof. of Russian
University of South Carolina
Columbia, SC 29208
jkalb at sc.edu
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