Ab Imperio 3-2012: Varieties of Exceptionalism

Sergey Glebov sglebov at SMITH.EDU
Wed Dec 12 03:26:32 UTC 2012

Dear colleagues,



The editors of Ab Imperio are pleased to present the new issue of our journal: 3/2012.



This issue, as well as other issues for 2012, is also available to the subscribers of the academic database Project Muse - http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/ab_imperio/toc/imp.2012.3.html.


Table of contents:


   Methodology and Theory



Exceptionalism of Variety


Thomas R. Metcalf

>From One Empire to Another: The Influence of the British Raj on American Colonialism in the Philippines


Thomas R. Metcalf

Afterword: All Сolonialisms May Be Different, But in the End All Are the Same




Olga Mastianica Woman Between the Legal Estate and Ethnic Identities: The Case of Women’s Education in the Northeastern Region in the 1830s–1860s


Timothy K. Blauvelt Resistance and Accommodation in the Stalinist Periphery: A Peasant Uprising in Abkhazia


Brandon Schechter “The People’s Instructions”: Indigenizing the Great Patriotic War Among “Non-Russians”


Andrii Bolianovskyi Between National Aspirations and Hitler’s Colonialism: East European Military Units in the German Armed Forces in 1941-1945


Maike Lehmann A Different Kind of Brothers: Exclusion and Partial Integration After Repatriation to a Soviet “Homeland”




Pavel Polian Eyewitness, Chronicler, Accuser: Zalman Leventhal and His Texts


Zalman Leventhal Notes


   Sociology, Ethnology, Political Science


Sophie Roche Gender in Narrative Memory: The Example of Civil War Narratives in Tajikistan


    ABC: Empire & Nationalism Studies


Andriy Portnov Histories for Domestic Use


   Newest Mythologies


Danielle Ross The Nation That Might Not Be: The Role of Iskhaqi’s Extinction After Two Hundred Years in the Popularization of Kazan Tatar National Identity Among the ‘Ulama Sons and Shakirds of the Volga-Ural Region, 1904−1917




Alexander Gogun Old Themes and Missing the Point


Elena Borisenok, Tatiana Tsarevskaia-Diakina Once Again, Back to the Point: Response to Alexander Gogun


   Book Reviews


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