Help with a definition

Helena Calogeridis hcaloger at UWATERLOO.CA
Thu Dec 13 14:46:45 UTC 2012

Hi all:
One of my German profs is using a Russian text for his research and stumbled over the following word: трагедийный (as opposed to трагический or трагичный).
A number of print and online dictionaries was consulted without much success, when trying to distinguish among the meanings of "tragic". Perhaps a Russian native speaker might help us best with these nuances.
Thank you in advance for any help with this. Helena

Helena Calogeridis
Librarian for French, Germanic and Slavic, Spanish and Latin American Studies
University of Waterloo
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, ON, Canada N2L 3G1
519-888-4567, ext. 32611  Fax:519-888-4324

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