a question about Dostoevsky and prisons

Robert A. Rothstein rar at SLAVIC.UMASS.EDU
Sun Dec 16 01:32:59 UTC 2012

On 12/15/2012 11:38 AM, Sasha Spektor wrote:
> The phrase "По /состоянию тюрем/ можно судить о состоянии /общества/" 
> has been attributed to Dostoevsky and said to be from "Записки из 
> Мертвого Дома."  It's not there, at least neither I nor my word search 
> can find it.  Did he say it somewhere else?  Is it an apocryphal 
> attribution?  I would really appreciate your collective wisdom in this 
> case.
/The Yale Book of Quotations/, ed. Fred R. Shapiro, quotes "The degree 
of civilization in a society can be judged by entering its prisons" from 
Constance Garnett's translation of /The House of the Dead/.

Bob Rothstein

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