Russians on First World War

John Dunn John.Dunn at GLASGOW.AC.UK
Wed Dec 19 09:19:39 UTC 2012

It might be worth looking at Konstantin Fedin's Goroda i gody.

There is always Mayakovskiy's anti-war poem Война и мiръ [sic], which, however, as a poem, might not qualify.

V. Purishkevich's Dnevnik is best known for the account of Rasputin's murder, but it is set in the context of P.'s war work as a nationalist member of the Duma with links to the armed forces.

And then there is Dorian Blair's memoir (or possibly 'memoir'; I'm still trying to work it out): Dorian Blair and C.H. Dand, Russian Hazard, London, 1937.  According to this account, Blair, who was half-Scottish and half-Russian spent World War I in Petrograd working for British intelligence and Russian counter-intelligence (the way one does).  His co-author was a journalist and writer of screenplays, and Heaven alone knows how much of the story is true; my best guess is that it is a mixture of eye-witness account, misappropriation of other people's stories and pure invention.   Still, it does describe Petrograd during World War I (and, for that matter, the Revolution and Civil War).

John Dunn.
From: SEELANGS: Slavic & East European Languages and Literatures list [SEELANGS at LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On Behalf Of Robert Chandler [kcf19 at DIAL.PIPEX.COM]
Sent: 18 December 2012 16:28
Subject: [SEELANGS] Russians on First World War

Dear all,

An editor in the UK has asked me for recommendations for an international anthology of fiction and memoirs of the first world war to be published in 2014.

Any suggestions?

There isn't anything by Teffi, is there?  One of her best stories, "Sobaka" includes quite a lot of references to the war, but most are a bit tangential.

All the best,


Robert Chandler, 42 Milson Road, London, W14 OLD

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