Orthodox marriage

Cooke, Brett brett-cooke at TAMU.EDU
Wed Dec 19 19:36:33 UTC 2012

Trying to establish the practical reality of this rule in the 19th century is problematic. Both of Tolstoy's (Behrs) sisters-in-law married first cousins. I'd be grateful for some clarification as to how this is possible. In War and Peace Sonya thinks of how second-marriage required some sort of church sanction.

In a related issue highly relevant to War and Peace, the ban also included in-laws. Late in the novel Nicholas Rostov feels constrained regarding Mary as long as there is the prospect that Natasha and Andrei might restore their engagement. I heard somewhere that one solution was to counduct a simulatenous wedding.  Meanwhile, as Tolstoy worked on his novel, he was trying to find a pliable priest who would wed his brother Sergei to his sister-in-law Tanya.

Brett Cooke

Texas A&M

From: SEELANGS: Slavic & East European Languages and Literatures list [SEELANGS at LISTSERV.UA.EDU] on behalf of Nina Kruglikova [nina.kruglikova at GMAIL.COM]
Sent: Wednesday, December 19, 2012 12:56
Subject: Re: [SEELANGS] Orthodox marriage

better to say - didnt allow, and still doesnt allow.
and in many other cases too, including marriage
between Godparents, even if they are not blood related.

2012/12/19 Anthony Anemone <AnemoneA at newschool.edu<mailto:AnemoneA at newschool.edu>>
Is it true that the Orthodox Church did not recognize marriage between cousins?



Tony Anemone
Associate Professor
The New School
72 Fifth Ave, 702
New York, NY 10011

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