ASEEES 2013: Religious conversion/culture in 19th cent. Russian lit.

Jesse Stavis jstavis at WISC.EDU
Fri Dec 21 19:35:59 UTC 2012

Dear Colleagues:

I would like to invite submissions for a panel focusing on representations of religious conversion in nineteenth century Russian literature. My paper will describe how the rise of evangelical tendencies in the 1870s helped to introduce western concepts of religious conversion into Russian society and literature. While I would ideally like to frame the panel around the question of religious conversion, I am more than willing to consider any proposals related to the intersection of religious culture and literature in post-reform/pre-revolutionary Russia.

If you are interested, please respond off-list (jstavis at with a brief description of your proposed paper. 


Jesse Stavis
Ph.D. Candidate
Department of Slavic Languages and Literature
University of Wisconsin-Madison
jstavis at

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