copyright question

Brewer, Michael brewerm at U.LIBRARY.ARIZONA.EDU
Mon Dec 31 23:03:59 UTC 2012

A translation is a derivative work and the exclusive right to make derivative works lies with the copyright holder. One could argue that creating (and publishing) a translation of a poem for scholarly/research purposes is a fair use, but that would bring with it a certain level of risk.  

Michael Brewer
University of Arizona

On Dec 31, 2012, at 3:51 PM, Genevra Gerhart wrote:

> No, you do not. What's yours is yours. Challengers have to prove you stole
> it.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: SEELANGS: Slavic & East European Languages and Literatures list
> [mailto:SEELANGS at LISTSERV.UA.EDU] On Behalf Of B. Amarilis Lugo de Fabritz
> Sent: Monday, December 31, 2012 1:29 PM
> Subject: [SEELANGS] copyright question
> Dear colleagues:
> Hoping someone can answer this one quickly. I want to include my own
> translation of a poem by Evgenii Evtushenko that appeared in Pravda on June
> 30, 1961, in an academic article I am finishing. Do I need to contact
> anybody for cssiaopyright permission?
> Thanks
> Amarilis Lugo de Fabritz
> Lecturer, Russian, Howard University
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