Histories, memoirs, autobiography, fiction or film about the Soviet war in Afghanistan?

William Kerr wdk.ist at GMAIL.COM
Sun Jun 10 14:17:50 UTC 2012

Hello, Nicole ...

Your student would, I am sure, benefit greatly from the book  "Afgantsy:
The Russians in Afghanistan, 1979-89", written by the former British
Ambassador in the USSR, Sir Rodric Braithwaite ..... the beauty of this
work is that it offers very fascinating views into Soviet society during
the Afghan conflict, while at the same time dissects in some detail the war
and the Soviet presence in Afghanistan as seen primarily from the Russian


William Kerr
ELC -  Koc Universitesi,

On 6 June 2012 20:30, Monnier, Nicole M. <MonnierN at missouri.edu> wrote:

> I'm working with an undergraduate student on an independent study for
> which we're pairing historical accounts of major events in 20th century
> Russian/Soviet history with literary (or filmic) works that explore the
> same period. Initially, we were going to do Chechnya, but my student (a
> former military officer) is intrigued by the Soviet war in Afghanistan,
> about which I know . . . well, not very much. Any suggestions would be most
> gratefully received . . .
> Best,
> Nicole
> ****************************
> Dr. Nicole Monnier
> Associate Teaching Professor of Russian
> Director of Undergraduate Studies (Russian)
> German & Russian Studies
> 428A Strickland (formerly GCB)
> University of Missouri
> Columbia, MO 65211
> phone: 573.882.3370
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