Russian Emigrant Culture in North America

Elena Gapova e.gapova at GMAIL.COM
Sun Jun 10 17:01:54 UTC 2012

If you are interested in the contemporary period, you may want to have a
look at my paper "Жены "русских программистов" или женщины, которые едут
вслед за мужчинами" (*Семейные узы: модели для сборки,* т.2, ред. С.
Ушакин, М.:НЛО, 2004).  It deals with some aspects  of daily life of
high-tech engineers and developpers arriving in the US on special H1-B
visas for qualified professionals.You can read it at:

A more general perspective of high-tech migration to North Americais
presented in mine "The Migration of Information Technology Professionals
from the Post-Soviet region" (Roger Rios (Ed.)* Migration Perspectives:
Eastern Europe and Central Asia* (pp.5-16). The International Organization
for Migration (IOM), 2006. I think it is available online (IOM publications

Elena Gapova


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