Articles on the Protests in Ukraine

Natalia Pylypiuk natalia.pylypiuk at UALBERTA.CA
Thu Dec 5 19:36:24 UTC 2013

Dear Colleagues,

A much more reliable analyst than Mr. Kolesnik is Josyf Zisels, a former Ukrainian dissident and current member of the Eurasian Jewish Congress.
I invite you to read (and view) in Russian his analysis on the site of the EJC:

Публичная лекция Иосифа Зисельса «Всеукраинское объединение «Свобода»: мифы и реальность» (видео)

As to the extremist behaviour that elicited the police brutality in front of the president's administration, there is evidence that these were thugs hired by the regime.
For a more balanced report see:

Anton Shekhovtsov:

David Lawrence:

Kind regards,

Natalia Pylypiuk, PhD, Professor
Ukrainian Culture, Language & Literature Program
Modern Languages & Cultural Studies
University of Alberta

On 2013-12-05, at 11:48 AM, Elena Gapova wrote:

> A couple more:
> a video with Boris Kagarlitsky on economic disadvantages the EU agreement has for Ukraine:
> an alarming piece on the far-right within the protest movement: "Euromaidan: The play with EU integration" (
> e.g.
> 2013/12/5 Alina Israeli <aisrael at>
> I did not look through every single article maybe it's there, but what is also important is this for Yanukovich's decision making:
> In August, three months before a scheduled deal-signing with the EU, Russia stopped all Ukrainian imports. Seventy-five percent of Ukraine's machine-building production is exported to Russia. Experts say the losses from Moscow's actions could cost up to $2.5bn (£1.53bn) for just the second half of 2013. (
> In other words, which side the bread is buttered.
> Alina Israeli
> Associate Professor of Russian
> WLC, American University
> 4400 Massachusetts Ave.
> Washington DC 20016
> (202) 885-2387 	fax (202) 885-1076
> aisrael at

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