Deadline extended to March 18 for abstract submissions to the 2013 UVa Slavic Forum

Michael Marsh-Soloway mam7cd at VIRGINIA.EDU
Tue Mar 5 06:11:23 UTC 2013

Fourth Annual UVA Slavic Forum 
“The Power of Language, The Language of Power”
Deadline Extended to March 18 for Abstract Submissions

“The limits of my language are the limits of my mind.”
~ Ludwig Wittgenstein 

The Society of Slavic Graduate Students at the University of Virginia is pleased to announce the Fourth Annual Slavic Forum to be held in the Jefferson Scholars Building in Charlottesville on Saturday, April 6, 2013. The theme of this year’s forum is “The Power of Language, The Language of Power,” and we invite submissions examining any aspect of the intersection of language and the various structures of authority. How does language confer political, social or literary capital to its users? In what ways do tools of discourse influence the thoughts and actions of individuals and societies? This theme is intended to guide presentations and discussion in the broadest possible terms, and may include topics as diverse as:

•	The artist and the state
•	Author and authority
•	Political propaganda
•	Foreign language-learning and pedagogy
•	Linguistic analysis
•	Ethical and political dimensions of translation
•	Marginalized discourses, dialects, vernaculars, idioms, and slang phraseologies
•	Creation of national literatures and canons
•	Language of subversion, political satire, literary parody, anekdoty
•	Literary works engaged in social and political discourses
•	Linguistic norms and prescriptive approaches to usage                                                             Etc.

Presentations should be no more than 20 minutes in length. Abstracts of no more than one page should be submitted as attachments to <SlavicForum at> no later than March 18, 2013. The Forum will be accepting submissions from undergraduates, graduates, and professionals. 

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