ASEEES film panel seeks discussant

Rita Safariants rita.safariants at GMAIL.COM
Tue Mar 5 18:48:01 UTC 2013

Dear All,

Our ASEEES '13 panel, "Revolutionizing Teen Idols: Filming the Youth
Hero from Khrushchev to Putin" is looking for a discussant.  The panel
description is provided below. Please reply off list to
masafariants at if interested.

Thank you very much!

Rita Safariants
Visiting Assistant Professor of Russian Studies
Vassar College

This panel will explore the cinematic representations of the youth
hero from The Thaw to the Post-Soviet period, seeking to establish a
thematic continuum in the formations of the teen idol across major
political and sociocultural shifts in Soviet and Russian history.
>From popular cult icons of Soviet comedy to Rock-n-roll stardom of
Perestroika all the way to the gangster thriller heroics of the
Post-Soviet period, the aim of this panel is towards an historical
synthesis of the shifting ideological and aesthetic norms in popular
cinema.  The new heroic aesthetics were particularly noticeable in
youth films, which sculptured the type of hero whose attitudes and
values revealed groundbreaking changes in Soviet and post Soviet
realities.  Each film hero provided an ostensible model for
revolutionizing the ideologies and mores of a new generation mitigated
by influx of Western popular culture, shifts in the film industry and
economic stability.  Our panel intends to explore these dynamics of
challenging the exiting norm on the level of aesthetics, thematics and
censorship in bringing together three papers that look at the youth
hero from three distinct, yet ideologically interconnected periods of
flux in the history of the USSR and the Russian Federation.

Kelly Trimble (Pitt) "Thaw Cinema and the Typecast Star: Aleksandr
Dem'ianenko as Shurik"

Rita Safariants (Vassar) "Rockin’ and a Reelin’: Viktor Tsoi and the
Making of the Soviet Rock-n-Roll Film Star"

Daria Ezerova (Yale) "Creating the Hero of the Nineties: Danila Bagrov
in Alexey Balabanov’s Brother (1997) and Brother 2 (2000)"

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