Visiting Assistant Professor in Russian Studies at The College of Wooster

Yuri Corrigan yuricorrigan at GMAIL.COM
Wed Mar 6 18:41:03 UTC 2013

The Department of German and Russian Studies at The College of Wooster is
seeking a qualified person for a one-year, full-time Visiting Assistant
Professor position for the 2013-2014 academic year, with possibility for
renewal. The successful candidate will have a strong commitment to and
experience in teaching Russian language and literature/culture. The
candidate will be expected to teach five courses, including all levels of
language and an upper-level literature/culture course and to advise
independent study projects of majors. Applications are encouraged from
candidates with additional fields of expertise (e.g., interactions between
Russian and other literatures; translation studies; film or visual studies;
religious studies; intellectual history; cross-cultural studies; Eurasian
studies). Native or near-native fluency in Russian required. PhD highly
desired, but ABDs with teaching experience considered. Candidates should
send a letter of application, curriculum vitae, graduate transcripts, and
three letters of reference. Electronic applications are preferred and
should be received by March 22, 2013, for full consideration. Continue
through this link to apply:
Questions about the position can be sent to Beth Muellner, Chair,
Department of German and Russian Studies at bmuellner at
Wooster seeks to ensure diversity by its policy of employing persons
without regard to age, sex, color, race, creed, religion, national origin,
disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, or political affiliation.
The College of Wooster is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.

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