Mikhail Shishkin refuses to represent 'criminal' Russian regime (6)

Yevgeniy Slivkin Yevgeniy.Slivkin at DU.EDU
Thu Mar 7 21:38:22 UTC 2013

"Successful mainstream public figures" are fully entitled to make "strong critical statements against a government" when they live in their native country and experience everything that the people of their country experience. Also, consider in which situation Shishkin put his fellow writers who are going to New York as a part of Russian writers delegation. Some of them are genuine artists who can't allow to make these kind of statements. 

Yevgeny Slivkin

From: SEELANGS: Slavic & East European Languages and Literatures list [SEELANGS at LISTSERV.UA.EDU] on behalf of Ainsley Morse [ainsler at GMAIL.COM]
Sent: Thursday, March 07, 2013 2:22 PM
Subject: Re: [SEELANGS] Mikhail Shishkin refuses to represent 'criminal' Russian regime (6)

It's clear that Shishkin is not putting his life and career at risk
(and maybe even helping the latter), but it's really cynical and
fruitless to suggest that he should not have made this statement, or
that it will not have any impact in the public consciousness. When
successful mainstream public figures make strong critical statements
against a government that is openly and persistently decreasing
quality of life for most of its citizens (call it fascist or corrupt
and oligarchic), we should praise them and hope to see more such
figures speak out as well.

On 07.03.2013., at 16.08, SEELANGS automatic digest system wrote:

> There are 6 messages totaling 839 lines in this issue.
> Topics in this special issue:
>  1. Mikhail Shishkin refuses to represent 'criminal' Russian regime
> (6)
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> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Date:    Thu, 7 Mar 2013 11:53:59 -0600
> From:    bela shayevich <bshayevich at GMAIL.COM>
> Subject: Mikhail Shishkin refuses to represent 'criminal' Russian
> regime
> Dear Colleagues,
> Although I believe that this has been way too long in coming, I
> truly hope
> to see more people among Anglophone Slavists (and publishers)
> putting their
> money where their mouth is like Gospodin Shishkin:
> http://www.guardian.co.uk/books/2013/mar/07/mikhail-shishkin-russia-us-book-expo
> Or at least discussing what it means to accept grants from a
> Kremlin-financed operation in a public forum.
> Respectfully yours,
> Bela
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> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------
> Date:    Thu, 7 Mar 2013 13:21:00 -0500
> From:    Elena Gapova <e.gapova at GMAIL.COM>
> Subject: Re: Mikhail Shishkin refuses to represent 'criminal'
> Russian regime
> I don't understand Mikhail Shishkin's logic in this case.
> Is he going to return the prize he got as the winner of the National
> Book
> Competition "Bol'shaya kniga"? It is organized by "Центр
> поддержки
> отечественной словесности", where
> Председатель Совета "Центра" -
> заместитель руководителя
> Федерального агентства по печати и
> массовым
> коммуникациям <http://www.fapmc.ru/> Владимир
> Григорьев<http://bigbook.ru/uchreditel/index.php> ,
> and the oligarkh Roman Abramovich (the one who owns the Chelsey
> Soccer Club
> and whose yacht, bigger than life, is reported to have docked in NY
> a few
> days ago) is one of the founders?
> And Shishkin has lived in Switzerland since 1995...
> Elena Gapova
> 2013/3/7 bela shayevich <bshayevich at gmail.com>
>> Dear Colleagues,
>> Although I believe that this has been way too long in coming, I
>> truly hope
>> to see more people among Anglophone Slavists (and publishers)
>> putting their
>> money where their mouth is like Gospodin Shishkin:
>> http://www.guardian.co.uk/books/2013/mar/07/mikhail-shishkin-russia-us-book-expo
>> Or at least discussing what it means to accept grants from a
>> Kremlin-financed operation in a public forum.
>> Respectfully yours,
>> Bela
>> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
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>> options, and more. Visit and bookmark the SEELANGS Web Interface at:
>> http://seelangs.home.comcast.net/-------------------------------------------------------------------------
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>  options, and more.  Visit and bookmark the SEELANGS Web Interface at:
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> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------
> Date:    Thu, 7 Mar 2013 12:41:49 -0600
> From:    bela shayevich <bshayevich at GMAIL.COM>
> Subject: Re: Mikhail Shishkin refuses to represent 'criminal'
> Russian regime
> I don't think it's fair to expect public figures to arrest their moral
> development during their time in the spotlight.  Shishkin's logic
> does not
> need to be  consistent with his past actions; what is important is
> that he
> is taking a stand against accepting money from the Russian government.
> On Thu, Mar 7, 2013 at 12:21 PM, Elena Gapova <e.gapova at gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> I don't understand Mikhail Shishkin's logic in this case.
>> Is he going to return the prize he got as the winner of the
>> National Book
>> Competition "Bol'shaya kniga"? It is organized by "Центр
>> поддержки
>> отечественной словесности", where
>> Председатель Совета "Центра" -
>> заместитель руководителя
>> Федерального агентства по печати и
>> массовым
>> коммуникациям <http://www.fapmc.ru/> Владимир Григорьев<http://b
>> igbook.ru/uchreditel/index.php> ,
>> and the oligarkh Roman Abramovich (the one who owns the Chelsey
>> Soccer Club
>> and whose yacht, bigger than life, is reported to have docked in NY
>> a few
>> days ago) is one of the founders?
>> And Shishkin has lived in Switzerland since 1995...
>> Elena Gapova
>> 2013/3/7 bela shayevich <bshayevich at gmail.com>
>>> Dear Colleagues,
>>> Although I believe that this has been way too long in coming, I
>>> truly
>>> hope to see more people among Anglophone Slavists (and publishers)
>>> putting
>>> their money where their mouth is like Gospodin Shishkin:
>>> http://www.guardian.co.uk/books/2013/mar/07/mikhail-shishkin-russia-us-book-expo
>>> Or at least discussing what it means to accept grants from a
>>> Kremlin-financed operation in a public forum.
>>> Respectfully yours,
>>> Bela
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>>> options, and more. Visit and bookmark the SEELANGS Web Interface at:
>>> http://seelangs.home.comcast.net/-------------------------------------------------------------------------
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>> options, and more. Visit and bookmark the SEELANGS Web Interface at:
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> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------
> Date:    Thu, 7 Mar 2013 13:51:14 -0500
> From:    Alina Israeli <aisrael at AMERICAN.EDU>
> Subject: Re: Mikhail Shishkin refuses to represent 'criminal'
> Russian regime
> Nice that he can afford it. Would be nice if someone created a
> foundation to support those who could not. The situation with foreign
> grants is dire.
> On Mar 7, 2013, at 1:41 PM, bela shayevich wrote:
>> I don't think it's fair to expect public figures to arrest their
>> moral development during their time in the spotlight.  Shishkin's
>> logic does not need to be  consistent with his past actions; what is
>> important is that he is taking a stand against accepting money from
>> the Russian government.
> Alina Israeli
> Associate Professor of Russian
> WLC, American University
> 4400 Massachusetts Ave.
> Washington DC 20016
> (202) 885-2387        fax (202) 885-1076
> aisrael at american.edu
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> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------
> Date:    Thu, 7 Mar 2013 13:00:01 -0600
> From:    bela shayevich <bshayevich at GMAIL.COM>
> Subject: Re: Mikhail Shishkin refuses to represent 'criminal'
> Russian regime
> Of course the situation with foreign grants is dire. The business of
> publishing and academia are dire as well. This doesn't mean that
> people
> should collaborate with an essentially fascist government that they
> publicly exonerate.
> On Thu, Mar 7, 2013 at 12:51 PM, Alina Israeli
> <aisrael at american.edu> wrote:
>> Nice that he can afford it. Would be nice if someone created a
>> foundation
>> to support those who could not. The situation with foreign grants
>> is dire.
>> On Mar 7, 2013, at 1:41 PM, bela shayevich wrote:
>> I don't think it's fair to expect public figures to arrest their
>> moral
>> development during their time in the spotlight.  Shishkin's logic
>> does not
>> need to be  consistent with his past actions; what is important is
>> that he
>> is taking a stand against accepting money from the Russian
>> government.
>> Alina Israeli
>> Associate Professor of Russian
>> WLC, American University
>> 4400 Massachusetts Ave.
>> Washington DC 20016
>> (202) 885-2387  fax (202) 885-1076
>> aisrael at american.edu
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> -------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------
> Date:    Thu, 7 Mar 2013 21:08:06 +0000
> From:    Yevgeniy Slivkin <Yevgeniy.Slivkin at DU.EDU>
> Subject: Re: Mikhail Shishkin refuses to represent 'criminal'
> Russian regime
> I strongly suspect that M. Shishkin pulled a well calculated
> publicity stunt which writers usually do when readers' interest in
> them is waning.
> Putin's government is not a "fascist government." Rather, it
> represents a corrupt oligarchic regime which plays the nationalist
> card when it wants to. This regime will fall and then the real
> fascist government will take over.
> Yevgeny Slivkin
> University of Denver
> ________________________________
> From: SEELANGS: Slavic & East European Languages and Literatures
> list [SEELANGS at LISTSERV.UA.EDU] on behalf of bela shayevich [bshayevich at GMAIL.COM
> ]
> Sent: Thursday, March 07, 2013 12:00 PM
> Subject: Re: [SEELANGS] Mikhail Shishkin refuses to represent
> 'criminal' Russian regime
> Of course the situation with foreign grants is dire. The business of
> publishing and academia are dire as well. This doesn't mean that
> people should collaborate with an essentially fascist government
> that they publicly exonerate.
> On Thu, Mar 7, 2013 at 12:51 PM, Alina Israeli <aisrael at american.edu<mailto:aisrael at american.edu
> >> wrote:
> Nice that he can afford it. Would be nice if someone created a
> foundation to support those who could not. The situation with
> foreign grants is dire.
> On Mar 7, 2013, at 1:41 PM, bela shayevich wrote:
> I don't think it's fair to expect public figures to arrest their
> moral development during their time in the spotlight.  Shishkin's
> logic does not need to be  consistent with his past actions; what is
> important is that he is taking a stand against accepting money from
> the Russian government.
> Alina Israeli
> Associate Professor of Russian
> WLC, American University
> 4400 Massachusetts Ave.
> Washington DC 20016
> (202) 885-2387<tel:%28202%29%20885-2387>  fax (202) 885-1076<tel:
> %28202%29%20885-1076>
> aisrael at american.edu<mailto:aisrael at american.edu>
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> End of SEELANGS Digest - 6 Mar 2013 to 7 Mar 2013 - Special issue
> (#2013-109)
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