fascist government

Alina Israeli aisrael at AMERICAN.EDU
Fri Mar 8 15:32:35 UTC 2013

You may be surprised but you just described Mussolini's government  
with its "corporatist economic system". Mussolini's party WAS the  
fascist party founded in the 20's. They were nationalists, of course,  
the party was called National Fascist Party.

On Mar 7, 2013, at 4:08 PM, Yevgeniy Slivkin wrote:

>  Putin's government is not a "fascist government." Rather, it  
> represents a corrupt oligarchic regime which plays the nationalist  
> card when it wants to. This regime will fall and then the real  
> fascist government will take over.
> Yevgeny Slivkin
> University of Denver

Alina Israeli
Associate Professor of Russian
WLC, American University
4400 Massachusetts Ave.
Washington DC 20016
(202) 885-2387 	fax (202) 885-1076
aisrael at american.edu

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