Full Time Position at Holy Cross

Amy Singleton Adams aadams at HOLYCROSS.EDU
Sun Mar 10 13:13:12 UTC 2013

The Department of Modern Languages and Literatures at the College of the Holy Cross invites applications for a visiting full-time faculty appointment in the field of Russian language, literature and/or culture for the 2013-2014 academic year to begin in August. The teaching load for this position is three courses each semester, with emphasis on language instruction at all levels. The successful candidate should demonstrate effective and innovative approaches in proficiency-based teaching and the use of technology in the classroom. The candidate will also teach one content course in English designed to pique student interest, enrich existing program offerings and engage with interdisciplinary programs on the departmental and college level. The successful candidate will join a lively Russian program and should demonstrate interest in helping his/her colleagues maintain the growth and visibility of Russian on campus and in the Worcester community. 

Candidate should have the following qualifications: fluency or near native fluency in Russian and high level of English proficiency; experience in teaching all levels of language courses, with emphasis on advanced or accelerated learning; experience teaching courses in English in the area or art, literature or culture. Candidates must demonstrate commitment to, and excellence in, undergraduate teaching in the United States. Ph.D. or ABD required at time of appointment. Visiting Full-time faculty are eligible for conference travel support and reimbursement of relocation costs within the College’s published policies. All full-time appointments offer competitive salaries and include full benefits. 

The College of the Holy Cross uses Interfolio to collect all faculty job applications electronically.  Please submit a cover letter addressing your qualifications for the position, a current curriculum vita, a statement on teaching philosophy and interest, undergraduate and graduate transcripts (Ph.D. preferred), and two letters of recommendation, one sample syllabus for a course that you’ve taught, or would like to teach, on Russian literature and culture, and a link to a teaching video to https://secure.interfolio.com/apply/21349.  Review of applications will begin on April 1, 2013 and continue until the position has been filled.

The College of the Holy Cross is a highly selective Catholic liberal arts college in the Jesuit tradition. It enrolls about 2,700 students and is located in a medium-sized city 45 miles west of Boston. The College seeks faculty members whose scholarship, teaching, advising, and on- and off-campus service demonstrate commitment to the educational benefits of a richly diverse community. Holy Cross aspires to meet the needs of dual-career couples, in part through its membership in the Colleges of Worcester Consortium (http://www.cowc.org) and the New England Higher Education Recruitment Consortium (http://www.newenglandherc.org). The College is an Equal Employment Opportunity Employer and complies with all Federal and Massachusetts laws concerning equal opportunity and affirmative action in the workplace.

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